Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Over Due for Vacation

OMG, okay...I decided to put a countdown on my blog to look forward to our vacation...it is like...sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, did you get my point...OVER DUE.....

Everything at work is getting to me...and when I say everything...I mean everything...I even typed something in an email today that I usually would not do and now I think the supervisor of the employee is mad at me.  I really don't care, but I do try to keep myself above stuff and this time I sunk...I actually told the employee if she could not understand my very clear instructions that maybe she should be removed from her duties...bad, huh?  What is bad is that I put it in writing...oh, well...what are they going to do...tell me not to do that?

So, let's talk about vacation...kewl thing is I can talk about it now and then talk even more about it aftewards and even have pics I took afterwards...

We are going to South Padre Island...It is in Texas....where I live, but it is 9 hours from here...I just don't see how a state can be so big that something in the state is 9 hours away.  Another 5 hours and I would be in GA...LOL

It appears they have some really great things to do...and we will do some of them...but I am really, really looking forward to the beach!!

I did see where they have a light house and museum and it appears they show movies on the outside of the lighthouse at night...how kewl is that?  To bad the summer movie session does not start until after we leave...but it is a kewl thing I do think.

They have a place for massages...I would love to give Kerry that as a gift....he loves getting massages.  

We will be spending the week with our family.  My sister-in-law,  her hubby and their three kids, whom are a lot of fun.  I can't wait.  I have not seen them since Christmas and miss them a lot.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Weekly Wrap Up

Wowzer...I didn't blog at all in almost two weeks...and I was doing so well.

Well, since the 27th my allergies have taken over the upper region of my body...all kinds of junk in my lungs from the sinuses running..not a good thing when you have asthma...and today my voice is all squeaky and cracking.  I got a steroid shot to help last Friday, but it does not seem to be doing anything.  I might need to make an appointment with the allergist.

Well on the 3rd we had the first part of home study...all of the questions...she still needs to do a walk through of the house...that will hopefully be by next Friday.  So close to being done with the preparation part of this...it feels good.  We gave her the name and number of the little girl we are interested in adopting...waiting to hear from her on that...

Not much else going on really...looking forward to next month when I get to spend a week with my sister-in-law, brother-in-law, and the nieces and nephew at the beach.  We need a week off and spending it with them could not be better, just would have been nice to have had our child with us to bring on the trip.  Believe me as soon as she is with us on a more permanent basis, not the first weekend visits that occur...we will be asking the judge for permission to bring her to NM to visit with the family.

Not doing much this weekend as Kerry is working...do need to clean up a little in the house, but not going to do that much as I feel drained from all of this sinus uck.

Happy Mother's Day to all of you mamas out there...I hope it is special for you!!