Friday, July 23, 2010

South Padre Trip

I will first apologize...and I seem to do that a lot...huh?

June was crazy and I can't figure out where July went...

So, the first full week of June we went to South Padre Island with my sister-in-law and her family.  We had a really good time.  Relaxed on the beach, reading, long talks, good food, and fun with the kids.

Here are some pics of our time there...

Our first day out on the beach...Kerry just walking around.

Kerry and I took a walk with Dan and Joey our first day there...I love walking on the beach with the waves hitting my legs.

Kerry relaxing under the canopy.

Lucky I did not get a glare from Dan's white

Joey and Alex playing hard...they had a ball out there.

The kids with Dan and Kerry playing volleyball...too hot in my opinion.

A couple guys next to us building a castle...pretty cool, huh?

I even ventured out into the kicked my butt...and I came in every time I got salt water in my eye.

Now the whole family is going make a castle...or are they just playing around?

Relaxing under the canopy again...Yes, this is why I did not look like I had been to the beach when I got skin cancer for me, thank you.

The Port Isabel Lighthouse...oh, and Kerry...they show movies on the wall of the lighthouse in the summer.

Kerry went was too hot and too narrow for me...

Then we went to a local museum where Kerry made some new friends...

Dan celebrated his birthday while we were there and he chose to go out for Mexican food that night.  Afterwards we went down to the pool.  Dori and I sat and talked while the rest played in the water.

We had a really good time and plan to make it an annual event.  It was very relaxing and it is only a 9 hour drive.  

So, that was our trip at the beginning of June.  Stay tuned for my next blog this weekend...the trip to Florida.


The World's Best Street Food - Budget Travel

The World's Best Street Food - Budget Travel

This is how I like to plan where to go visit for vacation...where is the best food???

When I travel that is one of my favorite things to do is to try out the local cuisine. How about you? What is something special you like to do on a trip to somewhere new or old and just fun?

Monday, July 5, 2010

::Welcome to Souper Salad::

Souper Salad is one of my favorite places to go out to eat...haven't been in a long time...maybe I will get a chance next weekend.

My favorite thing to eat there is the ginger bread, but I am working on getting off of those simple carbs that just help to aid the girth I carry around.

Do you Souper Salad?  What is one of your favorite places to go eat?

::Welcome to Souper Salad::