Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Halloween 2011

Our town had a community carnival for Halloween.  So, we chose to go to that, donating one can good per person, and not do trick or treating.  It was a nice night and Izza had fun playing the games, dancing and getting in the jump house.  She got a moderate amount of candy that will fit in a lunch size paper plate, which is perfect as we restrict candy in our house.

It was a great memory for our first Halloween together.  Here are some pics...


  1. Awwwww....too cool!

    Ya'll look happy--and that's an awesome thing.

    Plus you filled a food pantry AND spared yourself the complications of a 'sugar crash'.
    Smart! Veryyyyy smart.

  2. Sounds like it was a fun time! No candy here in this house, I fully stopped eating it 2 months ago...I miss it a little though,lol.

  3. Awwww she is strawberry shortcake. That brings back memories of my 2 oldest girls when they were little and their strawberry shortcake dolls and toys. Glad to see it's making a comeback. :
