Tuesday, October 21, 2008

...in other words...

The test of courage comes when we are in the minority. The test of tolerance comes when we are in the majority.

-- Ralph W. Sockman

Wow, this is a good one, huh? Oh, I feel like I am in a minority all the time when it comes to speaking out about things that are not being done properly in our agency in regards to payroll and human resources. I have chosen to be a voice to speak out when regulations are not followed and bad hiring practices are followed. It does not always make me a popular person, but I know the right people will recognize me for doing what is right and that is all I can hope for in this government job. Wow, the second part is harder to relate to...I am trying to find where in my life now or in the pass I have been in the majority and had to be tolerant of those that did not share in my opinion or practice. As I think about this and examine my life I really think I am most often in the minority and cannot think of a time I have been in a majority. But what is great is that I am so often able to get the majority to see things my way and make a needed change or address an issue I have brought to their attention. I think this says a lot more about me than the fact that I am often not with the majority.

1 comment:

  1. The test of courage comes when we are in the minority. The test of tolerance comes when we are in the majority.

    Well, I hadn't quite equated being in the minority as a 'test of courage'....I just figured it was the norm. *chuckling* I'm not inclined to simply go along with the crowd--fact is, more oft than not, I'm standing alone starting out. But, because I can be a bit persuasive, I do manage to enlist and recruit fairly well!

    Now that tolerance stuff when I'm in the majority (not too frequent of an experience, I'll admit!)....folks can be where they are and do what they need to do. Tolerance of differences is something I've worked hard to gain. And today it comes without a whole lotta effort--UNTIL people are being 'hurt'.... Then.....I'm struggling to be 'tolerant'. But I'm not particularly convinced I oughta be tolerant in those cases.

    Very cool post--made me do another examen! :-)
