Monday, September 13, 2010

30 Days Of Truth - Day 09 → Someone you didn’t want to let go, but just drifted

Day 09 → Someone you didn’t want to let go, but just drifted

Well, I have three that come to mind right away.  Two are back in my life after about 18-20 years via Facebook.  Julee Shiley and I worked together at J.C. Penney's when she was Julee Olsen, not sure if that is spelled right because she had a unique way for spelling her name if I remember right.  When she moved on to a job at a doctors office we drifted a part.  Talked a couple times over the two years between 1988 and 1990, but our lives were going in different directions.  I always missed the friendship we had for that year that we worked at J.C Penney's though.  Her mom and her were very important to my growth in maturity at that time.

The other that is back in my life is MaryAnn Sansonetti.  She dated my brother back in 1989 to 1991 or 1992.  They were a great couple, but somehow things did not work out.  We would see each other around, but she was going to school and I was in a new marriage so we drifted and went our own ways.  I have always missed her as we used to have so much fun together so I used to look for her once in awhile on the next...and then in late 2007 I found her.  It was great reconnecting and now we are on FB together and can keep up with each other.

Lastly would be Shelia Kinney, I don't remember her maiden name.  She lived across the street from me in the apartment complex I lived at with my parents.  We did a lot together, spending the majority of our free time together 1988 to 1990.  When I got the job at Fort Gordon I introduced her to one of the soldiers I worked with and well...the hit is off and I guess you can figure out the rest of th4e story.  They began dating, and eventually moved in together, got married, no I was never invited...and I was forgotten.  It hurt, for a long time...but I think of her now and again.  We had a lot of fun together...have never been able to find her online.  I figure it is not her thing,


  1. I am not sure if there honestly is anyone that I've drifted from that I did not want to. Well someone but it was not me or my fault, she did some very horrible things to me and I just let the friendship end because after what happened I could not stay friends with her but she did not drift away.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Its very painful to lose people whom we love the most.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  4. Back to that 'purpose' in the comings and goings of people in our lives--this is one of them. Pretty cool that this medium has helped reunite.... :-)
